Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Web 2.0 Exercises

I am finally enjoying this class and learning a lot. I have created this blog, subscribed to 5 RSS feeds but have been unsuccessful in linking the PubMed search..I will keep trying this week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I opened a Facebook account but had trouble finding the MLA event and the UAB catalog after browsing through tons of other sites I was not interested in...I find most information on Facebook pages rather juvenile, although there might be a use for them for public librarians wanting to connect with the younger clients..I also had to change my password twice and everytime I go back into Facebook it says it can't recognize the password, so I just got tired of that and will try LinkedIn...I think someone of my generation might find it hard to establish pages with lots of personal information....I don't want to remember lots of different passwords..I can see better uses for Blogs and perhaps wikis, but not Social Networking tools for me---the younger librarians may however find them helpful in networking and connecting to younger readers...